Rainbow over Groom Lake

01 Apr 1995 08:03:13

This is just an idea (please don't flame me if it sounds too insane) but
there's a lot going on at Groom Lake. Desert Rat (the newsletter) is
inviting the world to come and see. From what I understand there is a lot
of public land there, (the size of Conneticut and Rhode Island combined)
however the government is not congenial toward people who get too close to
their top-secret facilities. The Desert Rat has been trying to prove the
place exists, the government says it does not) Currently negotiations are
underway to push back the boundary lines and allow less public land to be
available. Though I'm not sure about the logistics involved in getting a
few thousand people into this area it sounds like Groom Lake and the
Rainbows would be a match made in heaven (or there-abouts).

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